The world is changing quickly, and with it, the future of work. reskilling is extremely important in a rapidly changing and evolving labour market where technological advancements and shifts in industries can make certain skills outmoded while creating a demand for new ones which requires constant adaptation and you will have to continue to reskill.

A leadership organization is one which that ensures the skills of its entire workforce is continuously enhanced and up to date with the job market. Organizations should show in words and indeed its resolve to place high emphasis on training by having a training philosophy, identifying training needs, training objectives and training administration.

“In a world of constant change, reskilling is not just an option; it’s a necessity for staying relevant and thriving.” It is impossible to talk about career advancement and growth without upskilling.

Reskilling is the bedrock of every career advancement. Learning new technologies and skills open up opportunities for career advancement, allowing individuals to take on more challenging and higher-paying roles.


Reskilling is the process of tutoring, teaching, and enhancing current abilities and skills, to effectively increase or boost the capabilities of existing staff. Upskilling ensures continuous learning, which involves ongoing expansion of knowledge and skill sets. These additional skills improve the worker’s current role performance and can potentially advance them in their career path.

 Reskilling is often seen as a way for individuals or companies to improve their expertise, increase their productivity, and become more competitive in their current roles or positions. It is a response to the evolving skill sets required in a rapidly changing job market.

As technology creates new opportunities and job positions within the workplace, it becomes increasingly important for companies to fill these new roles with candidates who possess relevant, specialized skills. Upskilling lets organizations close the digital talent gap and fill these open positions while maintaining their current workforce and creating learning experiences.

Reskilling can help both an organization and individual employees remain competitive in a quickly changing environment.

Staff reskilling in Nigeria provides training programs and development opportunities to expand an employee’s abilities and minimize skill gaps. Reskilling focuses on improving current employees’ skill sets so they can advance in their jobs and find different roles and opportunities within the company.

Reskilling is a workplace trend that provides training programs and development opportunities to expand an employee’s abilities and minimize skill gaps. Upskilling focuses on improving current employees’ skill sets so they can advance in their jobs and find different roles and opportunities within the company.

 Reskilling involves obtaining additional or advanced skills within the same field or domain to enhance one’s proficiency and stay current with industry trends.


Tech upskilling refers to the process of acquiring new and advanced technical skills within the field of technology. This is particularly important in industries where technological advancements occur rapidly, and professionals need to stay current with the latest tools, languages, frameworks, and methodologies.

Tech reskilling is driven by the necessity for individuals and organizations to adapt, thrive, and remain competitive in a technology-driven world. Continuous learning and skill development are essential components of a successful career in the tech industry.

Tech reskilling is a response to the evolving demands of the technology sector and is crucial for remaining competitive in the job market

 As technology evolves, new programming languages may emerge or gain prominence. Reskilling involves learning these languages to stay relevant.

 The importance of data in decision-making has grown significantly. Tech reskilling in data science, analytics, and data management is crucial for harnessing the power of data effectively.

DelonApps is the foremost IT reskilling company in Nigeria. The company has provided enterprise training services for organizations such as banks in Nigeria with a proven track record of success.


Current Workforce Skills Assessment

Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing skills within the workforce to identify gaps and areas that need improvement.

Industry Relevance

Align reskilling programs with the specific needs and trends in the Nigerian tech industry to ensure that the skills acquired are relevant and valuable in the current job market.

Technological Landscape

Stay abreast of the latest technologies and industry developments to tailor reskilling programs accordingly. This ensures that employees are equipped with skills that meet the demands of the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

Customized Training Programs

Develop customized training programs that cater to the diverse needs of employees based on their roles and responsibilities within the organization. One-size-fits-all approaches may not be as effective.

Inclusive Approach

Ensure that tech reskilling programs are inclusive, targeting employees across different age groups, roles, and levels within the organization. This promotes a well-rounded and adaptable workforce.

Accessible Learning Platforms

Utilize accessible and user-friendly learning platforms to make it easier for employees to engage with the training materials. This is particularly important for individuals who may not be familiar with digital learning tools.

Continuous Learning Culture

Foster a culture of continuous learning within the organization. Encourage employees to embrace lifelong learning, making reskilling an ongoing process rather than a one-time event.

Collaboration with Educational Institutions

Establish partnerships with educational institutions and training providers to enhance the quality of reskilling programs and leverage their expertise in curriculum development.

Employee Engagement and Motivation

Implement strategies to keep employees engaged and motivated throughout the reskilling process. Recognition, rewards, and clear career progression paths can serve as incentives.

Budget and Resource Allocation

Allocate sufficient budget and resources for the implementation of reskilling programs. This may include funding for training materials, technology infrastructure, and external expertise.


Improves employee engagement

 Potential and current employees want professional development and training opportunities in their jobs, and they will look for roles that provide these options. Staff reskilling  satisfies these employee demands.

Cost-Efficiency for Organizations

For organizations, reskilling can be more cost-effective than hiring new talent. It enables existing employees to acquire the necessary skills, reducing recruitment and on boarding costs.

Global Competitiveness

In a globalized market, tech reskilling helps individuals and organizations remain competitive on the international stage, contributing to economic competitiveness.

Optimizes employee productivity

 Improving employee engagement ultimately increases productivity. Also, if employees don’t understand the technology they work with, they won’t excel in their jobs. Therefore, reskilling employees in new technologies is necessary for improving their productivity.

Improves employee retention

 Reskilling decreases employee turnover. When workers feel their employer is invested in their professional growth, they’re more likely to remain committed to the company. Reskilling can also make employees happier and more motivated to complete their work.

Increases customer satisfaction

 Happy employees often directly affect and improve the customer experience. Furthermore, employees can use their new skills to solve customer issues with more efficiency, creativity and innovation.

Creates a flexible team

Training employees on their current and future goals also creates a flexible team that has a wealth of different skills to call upon when needed.

Creativity and Problem Solving

Tech skills enable individuals to contribute to innovative solutions and problem-solving in various industries, fostering economic development.

Bridging Skills Gap

Tech upskilling helps bridge the gap between the skills demanded by the job market and the skills possessed by the workforce, contributing to a more skilled and adaptable workforce.

 Tech reskilling enables companies to maintain a competitive edge

In addition, tech reskilling also helps companies to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the latest technologies and trends consequently, this paves the way for the generation of new job opportunities. By providing employees with the necessary skills and knowledge, companies can ensure that they are well equipped to handle new technologies and emerging trends in their industry. This can be particularly important for companies in the technology, IT, and banking sectors, as they need to be at the forefront of new technologies in order to maintain a competitive edge in the global industry.

Future-Proofing Careers:

Securing the future of one’s career, tech reskilling takes a proactive stance against unforeseen industry changes. It equips individuals to adapt and positions them as invaluable assets to their organizations.

The skills that workers have now are becoming obsolete, especially as automation takes over more jobs. By learning new skills and technologies, professionals can become more efficient and effective in their current roles. Better performance adds value in the eyes of an organization, making it more likely that an employee keeps their job and even goes on to fill other roles that their expanded skill set qualifies them for.    

Community Development

By acquiring tech skills, individuals can contribute to community development through the application of technology in various sectors such as healthcare, education, agriculture, and more.


Shortage of Qualified Instructors

There is shortage of qualified instructors or trainers with up-to-date knowledge in emerging technologies, affecting the quality of upskilling programs.

Digital Divide

Disparities in access to technology and the internet create a digital divide. Individuals in rural or economically disadvantaged areas may lack the necessary infrastructure for effective online upskilling.

Lack of Recognition of Informal Learning

Informal learning, such as self-directed online courses or practical experience, may not be recognized by employers or formal educational systems, limiting the value of acquired skills.

Strategies for overcoming the challenges

Collaborating with well-established and reputable training organizations

Partnering with a reputable enterprise training company in Nigeria is one of the strategies necessary for successful IT reskilling in this country. Such a company provides access to high-quality training and resources at an affordable.

Recognize Informal Learning

Encourage the recognition of informal learning by creating pathways for the validation of skills acquired through online courses, self-directed learning, and practical experience.

Foster Industry Collaboration

Facilitate collaboration between educational institutions and industries to ensure that upskilling efforts are aligned with the skills demanded by employers. Establish advisory boards with industry representatives.

In conclusion, Previously, the focus on IT training in Nigeria centered around the younger age bracket (18 to 30s). However, it is crucial for companies to extend their efforts to upskill older staff, particularly those in their 40s, in essential tech skills to navigate the continuously evolving tech landscape. Providing training for older employees, especially in sectors like banking, offers various advantages. One notable benefit is the decreased likelihood of staff relocation overseas.Younger employees are more prone to seeking opportunities abroad for career advancement, potentially leading to a loss of company resources invested in their upskilling. In contrast, middle-aged staff are less inclined to relocate abruptly as they have already established their lives in Nigeria. The ties they have built make it more challenging for them to decide to relocate. It’s important to note that the emphasis is not solely on upskilling middle-aged staff; both younger and older employees should undergo training to enhance their tech proficiency.

 IT reskilling  is essential for the success of Nigerian companies extremely vital . If organizations train their employees very well, managers and superiors would have the confidence to delegate authority to their subordinates but when subordinates are not properly trained, it would be difficult for authority to be delegated to them by their superiors.Once the skill gaps have been identified, a business can begin to build and select the training programs that is most useful to them. Delonapps has all it takes to upskill your tech career thereby increasing productivity.

“Don’t just follow the trends; set them. Reskilling is the compass that guides you towards innovation, creativity and success.”

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