One On One / Individualized Training
We provide participants individualized training for any of the courses we offer. One-on-one personal training is the name given to these customized workouts. There are only the instructor and the student in the class. The participant can choose the course’s duration and content.
Personalized trainings provide an opportunity to give participants focused attention.
PRICE: #200,000
Are you interested in taking any of our class as a Personalized Training? Please request a quote and we will get across to you before close of next business day.
Career Support
You will have access to career readiness tools, resources, and trainings as a participant in this program, connections to employers, and opportunities to sharpen your skills.
Get excellent career guidance
Our support team provides students with guidance and tips on building a top-notch portfolio that attracts employers
Delon Jobs is always reaching out to employers picking resumés and arranging interviews for our students. You will gain access to networking opportunities within the industry.